Sunday, December 21, 2008

Is it really Sunday night?

This weekend was extremely busy for Jonathan, Carson and I. Saturday, our friend Carly came over to bake cookies for the Santa party. Carson and Carly made three different types of cookies, and cupcakes .
Saturday night, we hosted a Santa party for Carson's Sunday class and a few friends from his preschool. Santa arrived at our home around 7:00pm with a bag filled with gifts for the children. Some of the children were so excited to sit on Santa's lap while others, were hiding behind their Mommies or covering their eyes with the couch pillows. It sure was a fun filled night with laughs and stories with the children.

Sunday morning we were up and ready for Sunday school (oops, we were late). Carson played the bells with his Sunday school class (jingles for Jesus). Well, lets say, he was assisted with playing the bells by Jonathan Sunday morning. However, it was really cute and all the children did a great job.
Sunday afternoon I visited my parents and spent the majority of the day at the horse stable while Jonathan watched football and Carson napped.
Sunday evening it was back to church for the last advent service. Once again, Carson was assisted playing the bells however it was my turn to assist him. ;)
On a side note- It was an answer of prayer to have my parents and sister's family at church today. There is something to be said, when you have family around you worshiping in the house of the Lord. Praise God!


Reba said...

Sounds like you had a very fun and busy weekend! I agree, nothing like family when you are praising God together in His house. Have a merry Christmas!

Bobbi said...

I need a nap to recover from this post!! Sounds like you all had some special time, and fun. Also glad you got to have some time with the horses, because I know you enjoy that.

Happy Holidays

Vanessa said...

Sounds like a wonderfully busy time!!

Heidi said...

Look like you had a fun busy weekend! Love the pics of Carson baking!