Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In America

Carson is still going through periods of hitting and yelling at us. Tonight Jonathan was putting Carson to bed (which Carson was fighting) and he started hitting and yelling at Jonathan. After Carson finally settled down Jonathan went into talk with him about his behaviour.

J: Carson you do not hit or yell at Daddy. Use your words!
C. Well Colin hits and yells at his Dad.
J. Carson its not about Colin now
C. Colin calls his Dad a poopie head.
J. That's not nice. Carson you do not hit, yell or call people poopie heads.
C. In America you do.

Where the heck did he get that from?


Donna said...

Hysterical! Where in the world DO they come up with this stuff?

Sorry about the hitting still going on. Hang in here. Keep doing what your doing. And we'll all keep praying he has a breakthrough!

Bobbi said...

Oh, that is precious!! I am sorry that you are having a hard time right now. I hope it gets better for you soon

Valerie said...

I would also like to know where these kids get some of the things they say. I'm thinking preschool in our case. Don't worry, you're not the only one! Logan has picked up the dreaded, "I hate you Mommy!"