Sunday, February 1, 2009

There is one in every crowd.

Did you ever notice when having a conversation with a friend, co-worker, family member, ect about adoptions, something will be said that will sting your feelings. Well, within the last few weeks my feelings have been stung by all of the above. Since the announcement of the upcoming wedding between Jonathan and me I have heard the following comments:
'So when you get married are you going to have one of your own?'
'When are you going to try for a baby or are you going to adopt again?'
'Do you want one of your own?'
'Now you can have one of your own.'

Maybe I'm being over-sensitive to the questions about "having one of my own". I know Carson does not have fair skin, red hair, blue eyes, and I did not give birth to him. However Carson is my own-


Marlene said...

Very bad choice of words! I am sure none of your friends would say anything to hurt you. They are just ignorant in knowing the correct terms to use when asking if you are planning MORE children. Just try to educate them when they say such things.
I am sensitive to things like that too. Have a great week!

Alissa said...

I think some people do not think before they speak. Im so sorry. Alissa

Reba said...

Ow, I am sorry you have heard that. :( Most of the comments I get don't bother me but I think that would. I would guess they don't mean it...I have found so many people are unaware of what they say. But that doesn't make it sting any less. It is very obvious that Carson is yours, through and through. (I have two of each and I feel the same love for each of them)

Kimberly said...

People are just so crazy! The other this is an exchange I had with someone:

Man: "So what's the story? Is he like adopted or something or is his dad just different?"

Me: shocked

Man: "I mean your son is like a china doll. Like a doll that my daughter has. I looks just perfect."

Me: Thanks

Man: "If anyone was to buy a child off the internet, you would pick him."

Me: Mouth opened and walked away

Steph said...

Oh Greta. Sigh....

Steve & Amy said...

Why is it their business?? Anyways aren't we ALL God's children??

Sorry:( People don't think sometimes!

Kimmie said...

Oh !!!!

Congratulations...a wedding how wonderful!

Don't be offended...most people don't filter what they speak. Honestly, I think this is so true in regards to adoption...I am amazed at what 'virtual' strangers will say to me about adoption- in front of my children (most of whom are adopted)...and btw...the people speaking KNOW it.

This is where the gift of self control comes into play, so often I have to bite my tongue, so as not to say something snappy to them in retaliation. ouch.

I am so happy for you have a wedding date yet? He is a very lucky guy to get a girl as beautiful and kind as you Greta Jo!

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted

Ruthanne said...

Ugh. I totally understand. I don't think people mean to say hurtful things--I think they just don't think about the words they are choosing.