Monday, July 26, 2010

He keeps me on my toes...

In church on Sunday Carson said, "Daddy I think that man has a baby in his belly."
Today Carson told me "Mommy I am sorry for breaking (hurting) your feelings."
"Mommy look an old girl from your work."
We had a bag filled with gifts for the kids in Guatemala so needless to say, Carson found the bag here is the conversation:
Mommy what is this?
Toys for the kids in Guatemala.
Hmm, Mommy can I have one of the toys?
No Carson they are for the kids in Guatemala.
Mommy I am from Guatemala so I can have one.


Reba said...

I like his logic. :) You never know what is going to come out of those little mouths. You are wise to record think you will remember, but after a while, the days run together. :)

Leah Maya Benjamin said...

well at least he didn't ask the man if he had a baby in his belly. Kids really do say the funniest things and you really do think you will remember, but you just don't, yay for writing them down! Hows the horse coming along?

Bobbi said...

My question: When is the man due??:>)

He had you on this one!! He is from Guatemala!! They do keep us guessing