Monday, June 4, 2012

Forever family day

Today we celebrate our 5 year forever family day. I can not believe we have been together for 5 years as a family. Carson, as I have written before you saved my life. Words and feelings can not express how much I love you sweet baby boy! This year there have been a lot of changes for you, however, you took most of them in stride. You are an amazing son. You have a great little personality with a hot little temper at times. Carson, I can not wait to see what the Lord has in store for you.
Five years ago I can vividly see your foster mother walking up to me with you nestled in her arms. You were such a little fellow with big dark eyes. As I remember this day I can replay our forever family day as it was a few hours ago. My life and heart will never be the same since we became a family. Carson, thank you for being you. I love you my sweet baby boy!


Leah Maya Benjamin said...

boy oh boy do I understand what you say when you say that he saved you, I totally get it. Happy family day! wow 5 years already, we just celebrated 4 years.

Tracey said...

I have some funny stories for you about your mom and Guatemala. You are my handsome amazing nephew. I love our date nights we have so much fun.
I am so glad you are apart of our family.

I love you handsome.
Love Best