Sunday, June 26, 2011

Busy weekend

Friday afternoon Best, Carson and I went to see Cars 2 at the movie theater. Carson did not move for two hours. His eyes were glued to the big screen. He loved it! However, I on the other hand could not sit still the last half hour. After the movie we went to Red Robin for a late lunch. Carson was not very hungry as he ate a small bag of buttered popcorn during the movie.
Saturday we had a family trip planned to Sesame Place. It was a LONG/HOT day! Carson had a great time on the rides along with playing at the water park for hours.
Sunday we hung at the house as Ms. Cinderella still is not sleeping through the night. However, Carson and I did go to the pool in the afternoon while Jonathan and Cinderella napped.


Bobbi said...

Reese loved the movie too----I, on the other hand wasn't that impressed!!!

Carson is so cute...........where's Cinderella?? :)

OHHHHHHH, those long nights with a newborn!! There are some things I don't miss!!!

Leah Maya Benjamin said...

I'm so with you, I really don't like goign to the movies I just can't sit there.
Sleeping thru the night, not there yet either but still doing so much better.

Reba said...

We have not made it to Cars yet, but I have some kids itching to go. :)

Looks like you have had a busy and fun weekend.

Hope you get some sleep soon!