Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Adoption Questions

Today was day one of a three day educational conference in Atlantic City. The word traveled around the educational conference that I adopted a child from Guatemala and the questioned started. Below are a few questions I was asked which really bothered me:

1. Why did you adopted when you are so young and single?
2. Don't you think your child needs a Dad?
3. Wow, you must make a nice salary, because adoption is expensive and you are single?
4. Why didn't you adopt in the United States?

Were do people get off asking me such personal questions. I do not mind answering questions to someone who is truly interested in adoptions however, for someone just to ask to be rude is unacceptable.


Kimmie said...

Greta Jo

Hi! So glad you popped by and introduced yourself!

Your son is beautiful. Can't wait to read more of your story...

Over the years we have had some cruel things said to us, once a family friend actually to my face accused me of stealing someone else's child. I went home and cried, her words still hurt and it was years ago that she said them. (I think the pain comes from years of infertiity and not having control of 'having' children...) I'd imagine she had no idea of what she had said.

May God bless you and give you wisdom as you follow his path for your life.

thanks again for stopping by!

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Our Family of 5 said...

Some people are very ignorant and just down right don't care. Sorry you had to be subjected to the ignorance!

shoshannah said...

hey if you ever get married to my dad i want to come and live with you guys as soon as possible

shoshannah said...

hey did u get my other note? um ya wacky wednesday was so fun!

Christina said...

I have been there with the single mom thing with my two girls(bio). I admire you for fulfilling your dream of adoption and being a single mom. You go girl!!!

Bobbi said...

People in this world are very ignorant and inconsiderate. We have had some rude questions too. Like, so when will he see his real mother again? When will you take him back to his own country? Why didn't his real mother "want" him? Oh, I could go on. I know the feeling!! Guess we take the good comments with the bad, and get a stiff upper lip.

Lori said...

People can be so rude!! I don't understand it other then they are curious and are so curious they can't help themselves!! I was asked the fourth question and my response was: In the USA we have systems in place for children - they are cared for and loved, our system fails, but for the most part the Gov. is looking out for them. In other countries, such as Guat. the Gov. doesn't have programs and places for them to be cared for. They are left in the street or ditches to die. If people didn't choose to adopt there wouldn't be foster moms in Guat. They didn't know what to say. I was asked point blank how much it cost - It was crazy!!