Sunday, October 28, 2007

His eyes

When I look into Carson's BIG brown eyes I wonder what is he thinking? My mind can make up the best stories. However my thoughts are usually: Does he wonder still who I am? Does he like it here? What will he think about me when he gets older? Will he want to move back to Guatemala? Will he want to know his birth parents? What about his siblings ALL six of them? What happened to his foster mother?

I have read plenty of books about adoptive children however, the questions may be similar but each child has different feelings and thoughts.

Dear Carson,

You are the sun shine of my life. When you have questions about your adoption I will be honest with you. I will give you all the information I have pertaining to your birth parents, siblings and foster family. I will help you learn about Guatemala. If you would like to travel to Guatemala one day I will go with you. Please remember Carson- you are the best gift ever.

I love you sweet baby boy,


Nicole said...

Hey Greta Jo,
I love your blog! Your son is so precious!
I was just thinking the same things today as I was cleaning out my office, getting Dominic's room ready. What will be going through his mind when he comes home and as he grows up? Like you, I will do my best and tell him everything I know. That's all we can do...

Lori said...

Greta Jo - How sweet and what an adorable boy you have! It is different for each child of adoption, but for me, I wanted to always know where my beginnings began! (I was adopted at infancy) Some kids grow up not wanting to know and others do. I did and I found her, but she didn't want to meet me and I'm ok with that. Your son will always know you as Mom! Nobody can replace the one who raised, cried for, sacrificed for and loved.

Beth said...

I was just thinking these same things today... I was wondering what Luciana thought that whole week with Keith and I was all about when we went to visit her... and then she went back to her FM... I tried to imagine what her actual thoughts might have been... I just pray that when it all comes down to it, she just trusts in our love for her. Carson is so lucky to have such a caring Mom. Thanks for sharing such personal thoughts.

Bobbi said...

You certainly are not alone in your thoughts. I just have to hope and pray that he will understand that love that so many people had for him.

It's what we all have to hope..

Steve & Amy said...

I don't think there is a time where you never wonder what's going through their head. I agree that being open and honest is the best approach. Ethan now understands the basics and seems content. I pray that things continue to go this well when he starts school.

Reba said...

I have had these thoughts so many times. I do wonder what Maria is thinking. Right now, she says very firmly, "You are mommy. That is Daddy." But I wonder what it will feel like the first time she is angry with me as a teen and declares I am not her "real mom". Or if she will want to pursue her birthmother someday. It is hard to know...I guess we just take things a day at a time.