Thursday, November 29, 2007

Goodnight my Prince...

Before Carson came home I use to look inside his crib and dream about him sleeping. I would wonder: what does he look like when he sleeps? does he move all round the bed? does he sleep with his eyes open?

Dear Lord,
Thank you for your love and forgiveness. Lord, Thank you for allowing my dreams to come true. I love watching "your son" Carson sleep. Lord, please give Carson a peaceful rest, watch over him, and please keep him safe. Thank you for all you have done for Carson and I.


Debbie said...

What a beautiful prayer. God is good. You have a very handsome baby boy!!! Just found your blog through Becca's.

Debbie Wankel

Christina said...

What a sweetie. Sweet dreams little one.

Bobbi said...

There is nothing sweeter than a sleeping child. He is gorgeous!

Steve & Amy said...

Oh how precious! These pictures just make my heart melt! Such an angel! Sweet Dreams Carson!

Beth said...

I so love to see the sweet blessed face of a peaceful, sleeping baby. Wouldn't you love to know what they are dreaming?

Reba said...

Very sweet! That is funny...I cannot wait to see our little boy sound asleep in his bed here at home. Hopefully soon...

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

That is a precious picture and beautiful prayer.

Becca said...

There is nothing more beautiful than a sleeping baby!

Marlene said...

What a wonderful prayer. Sounds simular to the one I say before bed too! We are all so blessed to have our children in our lives! AMEN!

Katie said...

I love sleeping pictures ..... so precious !!

Jennifer said...

Your son is beautiful. I found your blog through Lori's. I am also in Jersey. Where about are you?